Holism was conceived in 1926 by Jean Christian Smuts, for whom it meant the tendency in nature and through creative evolution to build systems that are higher and more complex than the sum of their parts.

The word HOLISTIC comes from the Greek: "holos" which means all, whole, total, complete, and is often used as a synonym for "integral". It is a position that maintains that systems (physical, biological, social, mental, etc.) and their properties must be analyzed as a whole and not only through the parts that compose them.  Is to see people in all their dimensions, that is, in the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual dimension.

This means that the HOLISTIC vision of the human being can be understood as the study of the being in its entirety, in its four bodies. These are in constant interaction, affecting each other. Before the mental or emotional body has an effect, the physical body was probably alerting that something internal was happening. Sometimes it could be a headache, shoulders, stomach and we try to cure it in a traditional way. However, by not identifying what is causing this discomfort in my emotions, my bonds or how I am regarding any personal situation, I can really fall into a circle of discomfort that drags or accumulates more discomfort.

Having thoughts, feeling emotions, can lead us to experience sensations that provoke actions.  When we connect with our Holistic Being, we see our path of growth together, individually, in groups and globally. We are much more than the body, the family to which we belong, what we study, where we work or where we live. We are even much more than our experiences, decisions and mistakes.

It is not about cultivating separately only the physical, the mind, the emotions or the spirit. Doing it this way is what unbalances us. Nothing works separately in us and true well-being only comes when we are not in perfect balance, but healthy, real and full in all our dimensions. From that honestly integrated self, we will be able to relate to other “holos” in order to evolve and grow together for the better.

Here is the importance of remembering to be HOLISTI-KA 💜

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Excelente artículo! Gracias 💜


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